Apple Appears to Have Boosted Promo Codes for iOS Devs to 100, Up from 50

Developers of iOS apps received a pleasant surprise this morning in the form of additional promotional codes for their programs, reports MacRumors. In the past, Apple apparently only gave developers 50 download codes to work with after each app update, but today it seems to have bumped that number to 100.

Promotional codes are generally used for press in order to let writers sample a new app or game days before the actual launch for reviews, although they can also be given to family members and friends. In some cases, developers work with certain sites to offer promotional code giveaways, effectively allowing consumers to win free copies.

The increased amount of promotional codes allows developers greater freedom to do so. Before, developers had to be extremely selective since they’re not allowed to receive any more codes after the 50 are gone until the next update for the app.

Keep in mind that Apple has yet to officially confirm the boost, but it seems unlikely that this is all a huge mistake. All over Twitter and other networking sites, developers are reporting that they’re receiving 100 codes over the usual 50.

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