Apple Working on Bigger iPad – Suppliers Set to Release 12.9-inch Display Next Year

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The rumors of an “iPad Maxi” or “iPad Pro” have increased in the past few months. Only two weeks ago, Chinese-language tech website PadNews claimed to have information that Apple would be launching a 12.9-inch tablet in 2014. A few months ago, Macotakara had reported that display maker Quanta was working with Apple on the design of the pro sized screen. Now, Korea-based Korea Times has information from an unnamed source at Apple’s biggest supplier of iPad parts (company not named) is currently in production of a 12.9-inch Retina display to be used in the new iPad.

According to Korea Times, Apple’s move toward a larger sized tablet is part of an effort to better compete with Samsung and LG Electronics, which have been rolling out larger sizes of their tablet lines recently.

The unnamed supplier was quoted as saying that the 12.9-inch tablet will be coming out sometime next year. “That display is now being manufactured by the supplier’s plant in Korea.”

The reason for an increased size tablet, the source said, is that tablets will take over PC sales in the near future and consumers are ready for a something bigger. “The 12.9-inch iPad will have improved picture quality. As the Apple partner intends to boost its lineup for displays that have almost ultra high-definition quality, the upcoming iPad will provide very clear quality similar to that of UHD.”

Oftentimes, rumors from the supply chain usually mean that, at least some portion of it is true. If Apple is planning on launching a larger sized iPad, it is possible that we will see the device by next fall. However, it is still such a far-fetched rumor that it is hard to believe. Apple’s laptop line (notebooks) starts at 13 inches. If a touch screen of that size is in production, it seems just as possible that the company is planning on launching the rumored laptop-tablet hybrid.

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