Best free iPhone games

Did you just get an iPhone? Maybe you’re looking for a new, cheap way to kill time? You’re in luck – we’ve got some games here that look and play great on the big and small screen alike, and they’re all available for the low, low price of free.

It’s worth keeping in mind that just about all of these employ in-app purchases of some kind or another. We know there are lots of you that would willingly pay up-front for a quality game, but there are plenty of good free games out there too. We’re trying to avoid “lite” games, since you won’t get a lot of replay value by only having the first couple of levels and being pestered to upgrade (pay) for the rest. That said, if the freemium model is a dealbreaker, this probably isn’t the round-up for you. Developers gotta eat.

Without further ado, here’s our list of the best free iPhone games. Don’t be shy to sing out in the comments with your favorite free games for iPhone.