Tasky+ Review

Our productivity folders are filled with apps we once loved: Pretty utilities with minimal interfaces and slick navigation that were quickly supplanted by the next great to-do app. Tasky+ comes awfully close to being that next great option. Built around a concept that’s as smart as it is simple, the to-do and reminders app combines intuitive gestures with brisk date recognition that strips your life down to the moments that matter.

Tasky+ makes a great first impression. A color scheme reminiscent of Gneo brings a sublime feel to the main screen, and a clean use of fonts and graphics gives your tasks an obvious hierarchy. Creating a new reminder is as easy as tapping the giant sea-green plus sign at the bottom of the screen. As you type, Tasky+ scans for time-sensitive keywords (like “tomorrow” or “next month”) and offers to set your reminder accordingly. Due dates can also be added manually, and a series of buttons let you easily set recurring events, mark a task as completed, or share it with your friends and followers.

Navigation is accomplished mostly through swipes that will instantly feel familiar — left to delete, right to reschedule — with abundant animations that respond to your every movement. Tasks are automatically color-coded and sorted by due date, and completed items are sent to the bottom of your list until discarded with a quick shake.

While we mostly enjoyed the interface, it tries too hard to be simple in spots, using symbols that are simultaneously unclear and redundant. The built-in calendar is a nice touch, but we would have liked the ability to use it as more than a read-only reference tool. The date recognizer consistently scheduled tasks in the past during our testing, and we also had some issues with the automatic color identifiers, with future tasks inexplicably being given a today stamp. Also, the plus button that slides off the screen during scrolls is a terrible annoyance.

The bottom line. Tasky+ does some great things, but as a to-do app, it doesn’t quite measure up to its elite competition.

Review Synopsis
