iPhone 5s and iOS 7 Rank Highly in Top Google Searches of 2013

Google has released its annual Google Zeitgeist feature highlighting popular and trending searches for 2013 in various categories. As usual, several Apple-related terms rank highly among most popular searches for the year, led by “iPhone 5s” at #3 and “iOS 7” at #11.

Rounding out the list of Apple products included in the main list was “iPad Air”, which took the 68th spot among most popular searches. Other popular tech products included Samsung’s Galaxy S4 in eighth place, PlayStation 4 in ninth, and Xbox One in 19th.

Google also includes a number of rankings broken down by category and geography. In the United States, for example, the trending tech gadgets category was led by the PlayStation 4 and Samsung Galaxy S4, but Apple took the next four spots with iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPad Air, and iPad mini. Even the iPhone 6 made an appearance in tenth place among trending tech gadget searches for 2013.