Details on Build-to-Order Pricing for the New Mac Pro Emerging

The new Mac Pro still hasn’t hit the tables of the Apple Store yet, but staff members at the Apple Store have already started to work with customers to determine the cost of build-to-order units of the long-awaited professional desktop. And as MacRumors reports, it ain’t pretty. The site has since managed to get a hold of business owners looking to create their own custom units, and the prices go far beyond the base prices of $2,999 and $3,999.

The news from the business owners in question has allowed them to gain a rough idea of how much certain components have cost, although MacRumors is quick to point out that such valuations don’t include discounts or, in some cases, fine differences springing currency conversion.

Based on their information (using the high-end $3,999 unit as a starting point), for “a customer looking to buy an 8-core Mac Pro with 32GB of RAM and 512GB of storage, the machine would cost $3999 base + $1500 processor upgrade + $400 RAM upgrade + $300 storage upgrade, yielding a total price of $6,199.”

Yikes. Let’s hope the totally tubular machine is as good as it sounds for that price. Keep in mind, though, that the example used above is best considered an “educated guesstimate.” The site also pointed out that there’s little direct way of determining why there’s a $1,000 difference for the two base models, although it posits that it likely has something to do with considerable differences in the processors.

The Mac Pro remains set to appear sometime this month, although we’ve yet to hear anything from Apple regarding a launch date.

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