Christmassy iPad Wallapers: Santa Selfie & More

Santa Selfie iPad wallpaper

Just one more day, as my daughter keeps reminding me, until to jolly man in the red suit arrives. So it must be time to share a few Christmas themed iPad wallpapers. I’ve found the perfect one for my Retina iPad mini – it’s the ultra traditional Santa Selfie, all he’s missing is Google Glass instead of those red specs and maybe a fleet of gift-delivering drones in the background.

This one is the work of Katya Volodina, via the wonderful site.

I’ve also found quite a few I like in the excellent (and free) Pimp Your Screen iPad wallpapers appPimp Your Screen iPad wallpapers app – hit the break to check out a couple examples …



I hope you’re all staying warm and enjoying the holiday season.

© patrickj for iPad Insight, 2013. | Permalink | No comment | Add to
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