Seven New Year’s resolutions for the Mac home office

I usually lose all enthusiasm for the shiny new habits of the new year by about January 4, giving me the rest of the year to feel like a failure. But I’m much more disciplined in work than in my personal life, so when it comes to my home business, I think I have a better chance for success. If you’re considering adopting (or shedding) a habit or two, let my seven resolutions be food for thought.

I’m much more disciplined in work than in my personal life, so when it comes to my home business, I think I have a better chance for resolution success.
1. I will keep up the good work

I actually follow most of the advice I give in my books and articles—for example, I have excellent backups, I ditched an email provider (Gmail) that wasn’t meeting my needs for one that does, and I run a mostly paperless office. If you have doubts about your backups, are frustrated with your email, or feel overwhelmed with paper, resolving to fix those things in the new year might be a great idea. But even good habits can use a little nudge now and then. For example….

2. I will keep up with my scanning

My “Papers To Be Scanned” tray is perpetually full, as is my “Scanned Papers to Be Filed” tray. And some of the stuff I’ve already scanned needs to be sorted and named, because I was in too much of a hurry to do so at the time the paper came in. Scanning and filing doesn’t take long if I do it on a daily or even weekly basis, but letting papers accumulate for 6 months is another story.

3. I will be more active
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Anthro’s Elliptical Trainer

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