Parallax Disabler, Darker Icons Among Changes in Latest iOS 7 Beta

After the initial shock of the sweeping design changes that came with iOS 7, many iPhone and iPad users are still trying to adjust. But get this: more changes are on the way. As Cult of Mac reports with a comprehensive gallery of the changes in the third iOS 7 beta, eight new features will likely make significant modifications to the existing look of iOS 7.

Some are more notable than others. One of the smallest changes, for instance, is the darkening of the green hues used on the icons for the Phone, Messages, and FaceTime apps, which signals an overall drive to lessen the “brightness” of iOS 7. You can also see this trend in the option to “Reduce White Point” in the General settings, as well as in the heavier contrasts of grays and whites in the new keyboard.

The most obvious changes, however, are those in the Phone app. Gone are the rectangular call screen buttons; in their place are two simple round buttons for accepting and declining calls, all against a deep black background. The “Call” and “End” buttons on the dialer have also been replaced with simple circular buttons that take up far less real estate on the screen. (Only time will tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing.)

The other changes include the long-awaited ability to disable the parallax effect on the home screen’s wallpaper, new buttons for the Music app, as well as a new interface for powering down the device. Be sure to head over to Cult of Mac to see the full gallery of changes.

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