Third Time’s a Charm? WebOS Resurrected for New LG Smart TVs

LG webOS Smart TV

Remember webOS, the mobile operating system that powered the Palm Pre? It’s making a triumphant comeback this year, but instead of smartphones and tablets, new owner LG is using it to power their latest HDTV sets.

The Verge reported Monday that LG is making a splashy debut at this week’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas for webOS, the formerly mobile operating system now powering the company’s 2014 Smart TV line.

Judging from the photos, LG’s webOS doesn’t look much like the Palm (and later, HP) operating system, although it retains one of the coolest aspects of it, thanks to card-based on-screen browsing and switching between apps.

Speaking of apps, a full-fledged app store appears to also be on deck, with popular services such as Netflix, Hulu Plus, VUDU, Amazon Instant Video, CinemaNow and Twitter all present and accounted for in the PR shots.

LG claims webOS will power 70 percent of its new 2014 Smart TV lineup, which will appear first in Korea prior to splashing ashore in the U.S. and Europe before it charts a course for other international destinations.

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