iPad App of the Week: Storehouse

Storehouse iPad App

Image Source: Julia Sabot, via Storehouse

Great and unique apps are a big part of what has made the iPad such an amazing device, With that in mind, we offer up a quick review of one outstanding iPad app a week here each week.

Our weekly picks for Best iPad App of the Week are published here every Saturday. Check out all our picks via the link at the end of this post and you’ll soon have a collection of stellar apps for your favorite tablet.

This week’s pick is Storehouse, an app that claims to be ‘the easiest way to create and discover beautiful stories’ and does a great job of living up to that promise.

I’ve seen a large number of iPad apps with similar purposes, but Storehouse stands out right away due to the spectacular photography in the stories and the app’s wonderful, gesture-based interface.

Here’s a slice of its App Store intro:


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