Cool Things: Google’s Vic Gundotra Loves the new iPad TV Ad


This post caught my eye on Google+ this morning. It’s from Vic Gundotra – Google’s Senior Vice President, Engineering – who’s one of the most consistently interesting people to follow on Google’s social network.

Just in case you can’t see the screencap above very well, Gundotra talks about his love for the movie ‘Dead Poets Society’ and its themes – and then goes on to say this:

Anyway, I have to (painfully) admit that Apple’s latest ads touch on these themes (and directly quote from the movie) and hence have become my favorite ad of the year.

Carpe Diem

Nice to see one of Google’s top guys getting past all the Apple vs Google religious war nonsense. It’s also cool to see that Google is doing some great TV ads lately for the Nexus 7 and for Chrome.

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