Deals: Capture Perfect Screenshots with a Single Keyboard Shortcut with DreamShot

[This is an advertorial. Maclife gets a portion of each unit sold.]

If there’s anything that comes across your computer screen that you just have to capture, you don’t have time to think about the default settings for taking screenshots. You need a quick and easy solution that will snag a shot of everything important on screen. DreamShot will give you just that, and you can get it on sale from our Deals tab.

DreamShot is the ideal screenshot application for any Mac user. It simplifies the process of capturing your screen, allowing you to take a screenshot with just a single shortcut. That shot can easily be accessed after you’ve taken it via the menubar. And then you can do anything you need to with the capture, from adding it to your Evernote file to sharing it via Airdrop, and anything in between.

DreamShot usually retails for $10. Head to our Deals tab and you can save 50{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b} off the retail price. That means your total is just $4.99. It’s a great price for a handy application, so grab this offer today!