iPad Art: Gallery Of The Future

Gallery of The Future iPad Painting

Another Sunday, another amazing iPad painting. This week’s pick is ‘Gallery Of The Future’ by Hotel Midnight. I find the image stunning. It’s got so much going on, as with so many of Hotel Midnight’s paintings. I love the colors, the Sci-Fi effect, and those legs are not too shabby either. 🙂

Here are some far better words about the painting, from the artist herself:

IN A WORLD: where we will live the rest of our lives! Redone and repurposed., the art that is, not the future.

SketchbookPro, a lot of straight line work that took forever, ha! Alien Sky, NASA website. There’s one piece of SBP hardware I do use, that little bolt.

Hotel Midnight is one of my favorite iPad artists – take a look at her Flickr stream to see lots more of her lovely work.

And check out our iPad Art section here at iPad Insight for more great iPad art.

© patrickj for …

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