iPad App of the Week: Wordsalad

Word Salad for iPad

Great apps, and unique apps that you just don’t find anywhere else, are one of the hallmark features of the iPad. They have been since Day 1, and scores of great developers and publishers continue to produce apps that are exclusively for the iPad. Even many of those who develop for other devices and platforms frequently make great efforts to optimize their apps for the iPad in particular.

Our weekly picks for Best iPad App of the Week are published here every Saturday. Check out all our picks via the link at the end of this post and you’ll soon have a collection of stellar apps for your favorite tablet.

This week’s picks is Wordsalad – Your Salads, redefined – School Edition. That’s a heck of a long name for a heck of a nice app, which I’m just going to refer to as Wordsalad for the rest of this post.

Wordsalad is touted as ‘Word Clouds Redefined’ – and it makes it…

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