Apple Rumored to Release Cheaper 8GB iPhone 5c Tomorrow

A disappointing reception compared to the iPhone 5s has led many commentators to call the iPhone 5c a flop of sorts, but the colorful little device refuses to go away. Indeed, leaked documents from O2 Germany suggest that a new 8GB model is on the way to stores tomorrow, and Cult of Mac notes that two carriers in the U.K. have, in fact, already received shipments of the new models.

The leak was picked up by Caschy’s Blog of Germany, which obtained the O2 internal memo from a “trusted source.” According to the documents, we’ll see the smaller iPhone 5c no later than tomorrow, March 18. The new unit is said to cost €509 ($709), representing a €60 ($84) reduction in price over the existing 16GB model.

Source: Engadget

Other evidence seems to confirm the findings as fact, including a photo of the 8GB iPhone’s 5c’s packaging over at