The Future is Here, iRobot Ready to Ship Ava the mobile iPad Robot

Ava 500 1More than three years ago, tech gadget company iRobot made a remote mobile stand for the iPad that could move around a room, making it possible for users to interact more realistically in teleconference type situations. At the time, the Ava (short for “avatar”) was little more than an idea and a prototype. Today, the company that created the Roomba is ready to ship their next big gadget.

The Ava 500 video collaboration robot was designed specifically for enterprise. The mobile iPad stand allows the remote user on the other end to walk, turn, and look in different directions, as if they were present at a meeting. The self-driven robot allows people to use special video software to connect to others worldwide without having to book a plane ticket.

iRobot Ava appThis is how it works: the remote users will connect to Ava (obviously, the destination location will need to have the robot in-house) by selecting the destination from a list of places the technology is available from the compatible iPad app. Then, when the meeting is ready, Ava autonomously moves to the desired location and initiates the call using the Cisco TelePresence EX60 software. The robot maps its own environment and does not need to be driven. It features self-navigation object sensors, so it won’t bump into walls and get stuck. The remote user can “look around” by tilting the camera up and down and side-to-side to get a better view of the environment, just like in real life. When the meeting is over, Ava disconnects and returns to its charging station.

The Ava 500 is being demonstrated this week at the Enterprise Connect Conference. There is no current information as to the price of the remote mobile teleconference system, but it is likely to be prohibitive to the average iPad owner. Too bad. I’d love to send Ava to game night so I can be part of the adventure without having to leave my house. It would work much better than having someone set an iPad on the table while it is connected to FaceTime.

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