New Apple ‘Your Verse’ Story Shows How the iPad Helps Reduce Sports-Related Concussions

Your Verse concussion 1Apple’s “Your Verse” advertisement campaign has shown the iPad being used by filmmakers, mountain climbers, and more. Today, the company has added another chapter to the Your Verse story. This time, the iPad helps keep track of sports-related head injuries to ensure that, if a player suffers a concussion, he won’t be sent back out onto the field.

Although American football is known for being the sport with the most concussions, it is not only sport to deal such damage to its players. In fact, American soccer has the second highest concussion rate, trailing by only 50,000 injuries in one year.

Evaluating concussions in the field can be tricky. St. Edward High School athletic trainer Jason Cruickshank says that the C3 Logix app on the iPad has “taken that subjectivity out of the process.”

A concussion is caused by impact to the head causing the brain to slam against the inside front of the skull, which causes a coup injury. If the brain bounces back and slams against the inside back of the skull, it causes a contrecoup concussion.

Concussions can be difficult to assess. For one reason, players don’t like to admit when they’ve been hurt. Another reason is that data collection can sometimes be incomplete, making the injury conclusion harder to reach.

C3 LogixThanks to the C3 Logix app on the iPad, coaches and trainers can make injury assessments based on precise measurements. “Using iPad with C3 Logix, we get hard, factual data that we can put in front of the athlete and say, ‘Look, this is where you should be,’” says Cruickshank.

Although monitoring and assessing a concussion is still a difficult process, coaches and trainers are better able to track a player’s normal cognitive conditions and compare them to the conditions after a brain injury. Players are more likely to follow instructions when they see the data displayed on graphs and charts, showing them their recovery progress.

St. Edward hockey coach Troy Gray notes that seeing the persuasive test data is making his athletes more likely to cooperate with treatment. “As a coach, nothing matters more than player safety,” says Gray. “With iPad and C3 Logix, I know for sure when an athlete is ready to return to play.”

Visit Apple’s Your Verse web page to read more on how the C3 Logix app and iPad is helping athletes reduce sports-related concussions.

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