Deals: Make Modeling and Animation Easier than Ever with this Video Course

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Ever wanted to make 3D animations? It’s a tough art to learn on your own. Even if you play around with the programs for modeling and animation, you might not pick up on all the tools that you need to build a great animation. You can learn exactly how to model and animate using 3DS Max with the help of this video course. It’s on sale in our Deals tab.

With over 19 hours of courses to help you learn the ins and outs of 3DS Max, this video course is an invaluable tool. You’ll learn how to find and use all of the features that you’ll need. Plus, you’ll pick up the fundamentals of the program, from lighting and mapping to moving, rotating, and manipulating your creations. It’s the ultimate course for anyone hoping to pick up some help with AutoDesk 3DS Max.

This 3DS Max Video Course usually retails for $99. Head to our Deals tab and you can save a total of 60{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b} off that price. That makes your total just $39. It’s a great price for such a great resource, so grab this offer today!