Silicon Valley Report shows Apple Makes More than Next Top Four Companies Combined

SV150 Rank Silicon ValleyThe San Jose Mercury News recently put together a list of the top revenue companies in Silicon Valley. Based on information from Bloomberg’s data, in conjunction with company filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, it turns out that Apple’s profit during 2014 was higher than Hewlett-Packard, Google, Intel, and Cisco combined.

The Silicon Valley 150 Ranking is based on public tech companies whose headquarters are in Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties. Data comes from worldwide sales of the most recent previous four quarters ending on or around Dec. 31, 2013.

Apple brought in nearly $174 billion in sales last year, while HP maxed out at $112 billion and Google made just under $59 billion. Yes, Apple sold more products in 2013 than Google and HP put together. Plus, the company’s profits were least three times more than any other company’s profits for the same year.

Interestingly, Apple’s market capitalization, although still number one, is not three times higher than the other companies. Nor is it more than the next top three companies below it. Instead, shares in Apple, Inc. are valued at about 12.7 percent more than Google.

It is interesting to see that Apple is the largest, most profitable, and most lucrative company in Silicon Valley, yet financial investors and tech companies still claim that the iPad maker is on a downward path and has seen its hey day. If Apple is losing steam, how do financial investors decide who is gaining?

[Via: AppleInsider]

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