iBeacon Used to Make New York City Pub Crawl a Social Tech Event

BeaconCrawlI’ve heard of the  “Santa Crawl,” the “Craft Beer Crawl,” and even the “Last Mile,” but until today, I had never heard of the BeaconCrawl. That’s because, until recently, it had never existed. App development company Aurnhammer recently collaborated with the Lower Manhattan business advocacy group, Downtown Alliance, to incorporate iBeacon technology into the pub-crawl experience.

BeaconCrawl, which takes place on May 20 in Lower Manhattan, will turn the art of walking from bar to bar in a single evening into a game. Participants will be able to download a special app that will allow them to receive push notifications with special instructions transmitted from iBeacons around the city.

Participants will receive alerts when they come within transmitting proximity of an iBeacon that will include secret locations, special drinks, and even discounts on food and libations. Crawlers will also have the chance to win points by completing tasks. Points can be redeemed for discounts and deals at various bars and restaurants.

According to Mobile Marketer, the BeaconCrawl was created specifically for bars and pubs that were affected by the 2012 super storm Sandy. The event was created and promoted by Aurnhammer as a way to introduce the technology to local businesses, but also as a way to make customers aware of the local haunts.

“After Hurricane Sandy, many of our favorite places were devastated and remained closed for quite some time, and although the complexion of downtown New York is changing to include more residential and attracting more tourists, most New Yorkers have never experienced the old world charm of Stone Street or the historic allure of Delmonico’s or Fraunces Tavern,” said Bill Aurnhammer, CEO and founder of Aurnhammer.

The app will launch in the App Store on May 2. Residents can start finding out about secret venues and special drink offers right away, leading up to the main event on May 20.

[Via: AppleInsider]

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