Packing Pro Update Brings Key New Features

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Summer vacation is right around the corner and if you are anything like me then you would benefit from an app to help get things organized and packed. I typically only travel once or twice a year and so I’m not particularly good at getting ready for it, but this summer I am taking a bigger trip to Beijing and I am definitely going to need something to help me stay organized as I prepare. Packing Pro’s new update has everything I need.

Packing Pro has been around for five years but its latest update is the biggest we’ve seen in awhile. The two primary features that it adds are the ability to include photos in the packing list and a reminder feature.

Adding photos seems like something that should have been added a long time ago given the visual nature of iOS, but at any rate it is something that is very useful. You can now add photos of items to your list, which is going to make the whole process more efficient and also make sure you don’t pack the wrong items.

The new reminders feature is extremely useful in situations where there is an important schedule of things leading up to traveling. For my trip to Beijing I had to renew my passport and apply for a travel visa and both are things that would have benefited from a reminder feature in Packing Pro. I used the Reminder app in iOS, but keeping all of the travel information in a single app certainly has its appeal.

Here is a list of features, both old and new, in Packing Pro:

Multi-item selection from catalog for speedy list building
Multi-item editing for easy list & catalog management
Collapsable categories with floating headers & running item tallies
List sorting & filtering by bag and/or person
Item, weight and value totals & subtotals
Item images to eliminate any confusion — never again pack the wrong item
Item & list alerts for user-set reminders
Email export for file sharing
Wireless printing
Fully customized device support for all sizes of iPhone, iPod touch & iPad
Full multi-lingual support for English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Japanese & Chinese

If you have travel plans this summer then you should consider getting this app, which is currently $2.99 in the App Store.

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