iPad App of the Week: SpeakaZoo

SpeakaZoo for iPad

iPad apps are, and have always been, a big part of what makes the iPad such a powerful device. Great apps, and unique apps that you just don’t find anywhere else, are one of the hallmark features of the iPad. They have been since Day 1, and scores of great developers and publishers continue to produce apps that are exclusively for the iPad. Our weekly picks for Best iPad App of the Week are published here every Saturday.

This week’s pick is SpeakaZoo, which offers up a unique and fun zoo full of animals that will have conversations with you and your kids.

When I first saw a promo for the app, I thought it looked like it would only have appeal for very young children, but something about it struck me so I installed it, spent some time with it, and also had my 11 year old daughter give it a try.

I soon found that the animals in SpeakaZoo are really funny to engage with – even for…

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