Instagram Receives Major Update With New Image Manipulation Tools [iOS Blog]

Instagram received a significant update today, adding 10 new creative tools to the app to put it on par with more robust image editing apps. Users will now be able to manipulate and adjust brightness, contrast, warmth, saturation, highlights, and shadows.When you go to select a filter, you’ll now see a new wrench icon. Tap it and you’ll find a tray of photo editing tools ready for you to explore. You can also now adjust how much of a filter you apply to a photo by double tapping the filter icon.There’s also a new adjustment tool for cropping and straightening photos at the same time, as well as a vignetting tool for darkening the edges of a photo. Sharpen is designed to make photos clearer, while each filter will now be adjustable by strength to produce a range of new looks for pictures.

Here’s a full rundown of the new tools:

Adjust: Crops and straightens at the same time.
Brightness: Lightens or darkens a photo.
Contrast: Brightens light areas, darkens dark areas further.
Highlights: Lightens or darkens the lighter areas of the image.
Shadows: Lightens or darkens the darker areas of the image.
Sharpen: Subtly enhances the crispness of an image to make it clearer.
Saturation: Increases the color intensity of an image.
Warmth: A slider that allows for adjustments towards warm orange tones or cool blue tones.
Vignette: Darkens the edges of a photo to highlight the center of the image.
Filter Strength: Sliders that adjust how strong each filter will appear (includes Borders).

According to Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom, who spoke to Re/code, the goal isn’t to complicate Instagram, but to improve image editing tools without removing focus from the main product.”We are aiming to make the core better, creating more of an ecosystem,” he said “Everyone can build a photo app, but not everyone can build a community.”Instagram’s new tools, particularly the ability that allows images to be adjusted by filter strength, will allow for a whole new photo editing experience for users. The update is available immediately from the App Store.

Instagram can be downloaded from the App Store for free. [Direct Link]