Apple Tackles Weightlifting with New Patent

247 Weights

Apple has been awarded a patent for a tracking system used when weightlifting and the patent details suggest that readouts can be sent to a variety of devices, including a wearable watch. While this doesn’t confirm anything, the evidence continues to mount in support of a yet to be announced iWatch.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office awarded Patent No. 8,749,380 for a “Shoe wear-out sensor, body-bar sensing system”, which is part of a growing group of patents and inventions that Apple is amassing. With the the announcement of a new Health App in iOS 8, it is clear that they continue to push forward in this area.

I love running with my iPhone strapped to my arm using the Nike app. It tracks where I run, how fast I run, and I can see my progress over time. A weightlifting device would be capable of the same tracking capabilities, which could be used to both record your progress and also help with safety issues. It could tell you when you’ve met your goals so you don’t do too much, and also possibly alert you when you exhibit signs of being tired. There are a lot of possibilities.

247 Health App

The patent showcases several ways that the proposed technology can be attached to weights, including as an easily removable device that can be moved as you progress through your workout, or also as a clip that is designed for holding weights on the bar.

iOS 8 has the new HealthKit and Health app, which point towards a concerted effort to create a system of software support for tracking data. Just as with the HomeKit, it isn’t clear if Apple wants to get into the business of producing smart home accessories as much as supporting those companies that are already doing it. Patents are just as easily used in the licensing process instead of as the root of a new hardware line. I doubt we’ll see an actual weight tracking device released, but it certainly points to products we could clearly see coming.


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