Intel May be Inside Next generation iPad and iPhone


Apple and Intel have been working together for years to bring high quality processors to the Mac desktop and laptop line. However, the latter doesn’t seem to be able to make the leap to mobile as rumored talks to supply the next generation of iPad and iPhone processor chip have yet to become a reality.

According to market analyst Timothy Acuri of Cowen and Company, 2015 may be the year of change for Intel. Supposedly, talks between the two companies have “heated up” recently with regards to Apple’s 2015 mobile product launch.

In a note to investors obtained by AppleInsider, Acuri claims that Apple has “re-embraced” Intel and the two companies have been discussing the potential collaboration on components for the next generation iOS devices.

Acuri also notes that he believes Apple is only using a possible partnership with Intel as a way to push Qualcomm into dropping its prices. Qualcomm currently supplies processor chips for the iPhone. Acuri ultimately believes that apple is unlikely to choose Intel for the job.

Former Intel CEO Paul Otellini admitted in a May 2013 interview that Intel could have been the lead company to manufacture the first iPhone processor chip. He noted that Apple wanted a company that could design a specific chip at a price that was below the estimated cost that Intel wanted to charge. “I couldn’t see it. It wasn’t one of these things you can make up on volume. And in hindsight, the forecasted cost was wrong and the volume was 100x what anyone thought.”

Since then, Intel has not been able to convince Apple that it is ready for prime time in the field of mobile chip making. Either that, or Apple hasn’t been able to convince Intel to make the next generation system-on-a-chip for the price they want to pay.

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