Oklahoma Farmer Loses iPhone in Grain, Gets It Back From Japan

As hard as may be to believe in these days of rampant iPhone thefts, sometimes lost iPhones make their way back to their owners through sheer human goodness alone. Take the case of Kevin Whitney, a farmer in Chickasha, Oklahoma. As Gizmodo reports, Whitney lost his phone in a grain pit last October and he got it back after it made its way to the other side of the world.

Whitney accidentally dropped his phone in the grain pit, and gave it up for lost after it shot up into a container with 280,000 pounds of grain soon after. Nine months later, he got a call from a grain worker in Japan asking if he’d lost a phone inside 2 million bushels of grain sorghum.

Source: KFOR via Gizmodo

“It’s crazy — I can’t believe it,” Whitney said in an interview with KFOR, a news channel in Oklahoma City. “What really shocked me about it all was what a small world it is. There a lot of a lot of meaningful pictures on it so we are real glad to get the phone back.”

The phone’s total trip included a drive from his farm to a facility in Inola, Oklahoma, where it then traveled by barge down the Arkansas River and down the Mississippi. The grain was then loaded on a ship in Covent, Louisiana, after which it traveled through the Panama Canal and made its way to Kashima, Japan.

And it still worked, too, which is just as much a testament to the quality of the conditions grain is shipped in as the quality of the phone itself. There wasn’t a scratch on it, Whitney said, and all of his beloved photos were still accessible.

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