iOS 7.1.2 Bug Blamed for International Holiday Calendar Mixup

iOS 7 Calendar

Last week’s iOS 7.1.2 update introduced improvements for iBeacon, third-party accessories, and mail attachments, but apparently some international users are finding the patch also messed up their calendars.

The Times of India reported Monday that Apple has apparently already acknowledged a Calendar bug in the freshly released iOS 7.1.2, which will reportedly be “fixed with the next update.”

Thankfully, the bug is of the harmless variety, but certainly annoying to users who depend on a holiday calendar. One such afflicted user from Lithuania discovered the update showed him holidays from Mexico, Hong Kong, and Canada instead of his native homeland, but that the country-based list “keeps changing from time to time.”

Apparently, switching the home country from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia to something like the United States, United Kingdom, or even Russia then displays the correct list of holidays, as shown in a YouTube video demonstrating the issue on an iPad.

There’s no word on when Apple will serve up a fix for the problem, but presumably iOS 7.1.2 will not be the final word on iOS 7 before iOS 8 arrives this fall.

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