Netflix Adds ‘Post Play’ Feature to Apple TV App

There’s not much in the way of breaking news about Apple TV from Apple itself, but Netflix today at last updated its channel for the diminutive entertainment device to support the “Up Next” or “Post Play” feature, which allows easy access to the next episode in a television series. You might recognize a form of the feature from existing versions of Netflix on iOS, gaming consoles, and the web itself, but only now has it come to Apple’s set-top box.

Photo via MacRumors

It’s a small convenience, but it makes a significant difference when you’re enjoying a marathon of a show for a party or simply a leisurely Saturday afternoon. Under the previous design, you’d have to interrupt the fun and go back a couple of clicks before you could access the menu and select the new episode; now you’ll see an option to “Play Next Episode” once the show you were watching ends. Click it and enjoy.

It’s still not quite as simple as what you’ll find on other devices, where the app automatically transitions to the next episode without any interaction. In those cases, all you’d have to wait for is a short countdown. With the app on Apple TV, however, you’ll still have to perform that one little step. It’s not entirely clear why Netflix insists on hanging on to this extra step, but you should be able to manage just fine.

Follow this article’s writer, Leif Johnson, on Twitter.