Samsung’s Latest Commercial Pokes Fun at iPad’s Size

Samsung Tab S Commercial

I’m always disappointed when I see a commercial from a tech company putting down Apple products in an attempt to make their own seem better. In my opinion, if your product is good, it doesn’t need to be compared to anyone else’s. It will rise to the top on its own.

Samsung’s newest Apple bashing is just another ridiculous attempt to make its tablet seem better without going into any detail about what makes the Tab S special.

What makes this particular commercial infuriating is that it implies that the Tab S is thinner, lighter, and has better screen resolution than the iPad. The tech specs are nearly identical between the two. I refuse to believe that cold-calling on the street would produce the results that this commercial has. Even if the people questioned weren’t actors, which they clearly are, the survey was completely edited to skew in the direction of Samsung, which is understandable, but false.

At the beginning of the commercial, people are impressed with Samsung’s screen display. It is awesome. You know why? Because it is practically identical to the iPad’s. Apple’s tablet produces 2048 X 1536 resolution at 264ppi. The Tab S produces 1600 X 2560 resolution at 288ppi, but the screen is 10.5-inches, so the effect is the same.

The survey, which is supposedly taken with random people on the street, goes on to discuss a comparison between the thickness of the tablets. Participants claim that the Tab S is thinner. Yes, the Tab S is thinner by 0.03 of an inch. That’s less than a millimeter. Are we really going to split hairs on this?

Probably the most offensive comparison is regarding the weight. Interviewees are asked which tablet is lighter. They are almost the exact same weight. The iPad weights 16 ounces. The Tab S weights 16.4 ounces. If anything, the Tab S is heavier, but the difference is to small to even notice. Samsung brags about less than a millimeter difference between thicknesses, but fully lies about the weight by claiming the Tab S is lighter than the iPad Air.

The Galaxy Tab S is an awesome tablet. Samsung doesn’t need to put down other tablets in order to make it look better. Instead of all of this ridiculous iPad bashing, Samsung needs to take a page from Apple’s advertisement book and try making commercials that are actually good.

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