iPad Art: Don’t Let Go

Dont Let Go by Indy Sidhu

Today’s featured iPad painting is from a new iPad artist that I hadn’t been aware of before – Indy Sidhu.

The painting is titled ‘Don’t Let Go’, and here are the artist’s brief notes on it:

Sandra Bullock as Dr. Ryan Stone in Gravity.

Finger/stylus drawing done on the Apple App Store iPad application ‘ProCreate.’

I think it’s an amazing and powerful close-up image. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for more iPad artwork from Sidhu in future.

You can see more of his artwork at his Indy Sidhu Flickr stream.

If you’re interested in seeing more iPad paintings from a number of great iPad artists, be sure to check out the iPad Insight iPad Art section.

© patrickj for iPad Insight, 2014. | Permalink | No comment | Add to del.icio.us
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