New Video Subjects iPhone 6 Plus to ‘Bend Test’

The iPhone 6 Plus is impressively thin — but is it perhaps too thin? Since the device landed on shelves last week, several users have reported that the device has already started bending in their pockets. Lewis Hilsenteger of YouTube’s Unbox Therapy set out to find what kind of stress it takes for Apple’s newest device to warp, and he published the results in a video that runs just short of five minutes.

Hilsenteger, who claims he’d been using his device already for a couple of days, was surprised to find that his own phone had a slight bend toward the center of the unit. It’s very slight, as he shows in the video, and he states that it’s “inconclusive.” Enough people have posted photos of warped devices, however, that he took it upon himself to destroy his own phone. “For the sake of science,” of course.

Hilsenteger proceeds to bend his phone by applying his thumbs to the back of the unit, whereupon some extremely visible bending occurs just below the iPhone 6 Plus’s volume controls. It’s obvious he’s putting some serious pressure on the unit, though, and it’s unlikely that you’ll encounter that kind of force just keeping the device in your pocket.

“Bottom line here is, it’s an aluminum phone,” he says. “It is going to bend if you apply enough pressure like I just did.” He adds that achieving such results through everyday wear probably depends on factors such as how tight your jeans are.

Already bought one and want to make sure you don’t suffer the same fate? A good, sturdy case should help prevent such warping, and you might want to take it out of your pocket when bending over.

Follow this article’s writer, Leif Johnson, on Twitter.