Drop Your iPhone 6 — It Will (Probably) Survive

iPhone 6 drop test

As you may have heard, the first iPhone 6 purchased from a retail store in Perth, Australia tumbled right out of its owner’s hands this morning — but judging from the sheer number of drop tests being performed on Apple’s latest smartphone, it’s all good.

PhoneBuff became the first to purchase the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus on Friday morning with the intention of dropping them on the concrete to test their durability, and posted the video evidence on YouTube earlier this morning.

In what has become an annual ritual, bloggers raced to be the first to buy the hottest iPhone only to torture it without mercy. As shown in a five-minute YouTube video, PhoneBuff’s stunt ended with a cracked display when dropped on the concrete face-down, but the damage was minimal otherwise.

The folks at Android Authority became the second website to perform a drop test, and aside from a few scuffs, both the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus came out largely unscathed — and more importantly, free of any damage to the screen.

Check out both drop test videos embedded above and below, but be forewarned: This definitely falls under the “do not try this at home” category, and may result in readers clutching their iPhone just a little tighter than they did previously.

Follow this article’s author, J.R. Bookwalter on Twitter

(Image courtesy of Android Authority)