Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch to leave Adobe for Apple, report to Bob Mansfield

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According to a tweet issued by CNBC, Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch will leave the company this week to join Apple. Neither Apple nor Adobe have confirmed the claim.

Update: Adobe has confirmed in an SEC filing that Lynch departed the firm. He left the company yesterday (March 18) to pursue other opportunities:

On March 18, 2013, Kevin Lynch resigned from his position as Executive Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, of Adobe Systems Incorporated, effective March 22, 2013, to pursue other opportunities.

CNBC has published its full report, which doesn’t include many additional details. Bloomberg is now reporting the same.

Excellent #WWDC today — including collaboration by Adobe and Apple on Photoshop for Retina. Thanks for the nice call out @pschiller—
Kevin Lynch (@kevinlynch) June 11, 2012

Adobe confirms with a statement first given to AllThingsD and provided to 9to5Mac:

Kevin Lynch, Adobe CTO, is leaving the company effective March 22 to take a position at Apple.  We will not be replacing the CTO position; responsibility for technology development lies with our business unit heads under the leadership of Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen.  Bryan Lamkin, who has recently returned to Adobe, will assume responsibilities for cross company research and technology initiatives as well as Corporate Development.  We wish Kevin well in this new chapter of his career.

Apple has confirmed the move. Apple says Lynch will report to Bob Mansfield, SVP of Technologies (chips/wireless).


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