Apple Discusses HealthKit with with Medical Professionals, Intends it to be Lynchpin in Mobile Healthcare


As the launch date for iOS 8 grows near, we are finding out more information about what this “HealthKit” thing is all about. Today, Reuters is reporting that Apple has been meeting with health providers at Mount Sinai, the Cleveland Clinic, and Johns Hopkins to discuss how to implement the software program across the medical industry.

According to Reuters, Apple hopes to make health data like blood pressure, pulse, and weight available to patients and doctors alike so they can view information in one place. Currently data is gathered separately by thousands of healthcare software programs, but isn’t centrally stored. Apple wants to be the storage facility for this information.

It is no secret that Apple is working with major players in the healthcare industry on HealthKit. The iPad maker talked about working with the Mayo Clinic in June when iOS 8 was demonstrated at the Worldwide Developer Conference. However, what Apple plans to do with the service is still cloudy.

One source told Reuters that medical systems that use Epic software will be able to integrate health and fitness data from their iOS device with their personal health record through an app called MyChart.

Reuters also points out that a major obstacle for smooth implementation of HealthKit across the medical industry involves privacy and regulatory requirements, as well as “many decades-old IT systems.”

Depending on how HealthKit is used, medical professionals, and possibly even Apple, may be subject to requirements by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which protects personally identifiable health information, like medical reports and hospital bills that are stored or transmitted by a care provider or health plan.

It is clear that Apple is ready to deal with the hurdles ahead. The company has already hired health experts and attorneys that are experts on privacy and regulatory requirements. Senior officials have met with the Federal Drug Administration and Office of the National Coordinator for Healthcare IT.

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