Apple Hosts Sale for Hachette Books Amazon Refuses to Stock

In case you haven’t heard, there’s a currently a major legal battle being fought between and Hachette Book Group. While the battle wages on, Amazon is refusing to sell books by the popular publishing company. Apple isn’t, however, and Re/code reports that the Cupertino company is even taking advantage of the situation by offering a sale on digital copies of Hachette titles.

The sale chiefly includes pre-orders for upcoming Hachette books from popular writers such as James Patterson and J.K. Rowling. It’s not hard to find, either — you’ll find them all by clicking “Popular Pre-Orders: $9.99 or less” on the home page for the iTunes book store. Click “See All” in the same category, and you’ll find all 26 books available through the pre-order promotion. Try doing the same on Amazon, and you won’t find anything at all.

Source: Re/code

Not bad considering that Apple just settled a nasty lawsuit related to price fixing that could have ended up costing Tim Cook and friends around $840 million. And get this — almost all of that money would have gone to Amazon.

While Re/code managed to get confirmation from Apple that the promotion was a real thing, most details remain scant. It’s not known, for instance, if Apple itself is lowering the prices or if Hachette is lowering its wholesale costs. What we do know, however, is that Amazon isn’t getting any of it.

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