Apple Retail VP Jerry McDougal Resigns To Be With Family


Jerry McDougal (right) outside of an Apple Store in 2004.

The recent departure of John Browett has left Apple searching for a new senior executive to lead its retail division. Internally, Apple has had a couple of execs who could fit the bill. One of the top contenders, retail VP Jerry McDougal, has now left Apple for personal reasons.

McDougal’s replacement will be VP of Finance Jim Bean, according to an official statement provided by Apple.

IfoAppleStore reported the news of McDougal’s departure first today, and AllThingsD followed up with a confirmation from the horse’s mouth:

“Retail has an incredibly strong network of leaders at the store and regional level, and they will continue the excellent work they’ve done over the past decade to revolutionize retailing with unique, innovative services and a focus on the customer that is second to none,” Apple spokesman Steve Dowling said. “Jim Bean is moving to Retail to help support our store teams. Jim has been at Apple for 15 years and is a great leader who understands our culture and focus on customer service.”

McDougal has been in the thick of Apple’s retail operations since he was hired by former senior VP Ron Johnson back in 2000. In the wake of John Browett’s firing, McDougal was considered to be one of the main contenders for the senior VP position in retail. In Apple’s retail department, there’s still Steve Cano, VP of Management, and Bob Bridger, VP of Development. Both men have been with the company for many years. CEO Tim Cook is currently overseeing retail operations until a replacement for Browett can be found.

According to IfoAppleStore and AllThingsD’s sources, McDougal’s resigned so that he “could spend more time with his family.” There’s also the theory that he thought upper management would pass over him again in the search for a new senior VP.

Source: IfoAppleStore

Via: AllThingsD

Image: Gary Allen

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