Apple Stores Broke Revenue-Per-Visitor Records in Early 2013

It seems the good news just keeps coming for Apple, even if it’s tempered with grim reports over the past few months about its declining stock prices. Today we learned from Asymco’s Horace Dediu that Apple’s bringing in more money than ever through its American retail stores (already ranked as the most profitable in the country), and at such a rate that it’s performing more than twice as well as Tiffany & Co., the famed second-most successful retail store.

According to Asymco, each Apple retail store has been bringing in $13 million in revenue a quarter on average. In the last season alone, each Apple retail store witnessed around 7 percent growth in terms of visitors, with each of those visitors spending a record-breaking $57.60 per customer. Keep in mind that this occurred in the usually lackluster first quarter, when a comparative lack of holidays normally results in slower traffic.

The report also announced that the average number of visitors per store hit $250,000 per quarter, a significant leap from the 170,000 visitors per quarter that Apple’s stores were experiencing three years back. Dediu believes that this uptick in traffic (despite the comparative lack of new Apple Stores in the U.S.) has much to do with the larger floor space in the few new locations and extensive remodeling at old retail locations. Even now, Apple seems content with working with its existing stores in the States, as we saw in last week’s news that the tech giant plans to move its flagship San Francisco location to a busier location on Union Square.

iPhone and iPad sales have been reaching record numbers at these locations as well, but the fact that many of these sales consist of older iPhone models and cheaper versions of standard Apple favorites such as the iPad Mini helped drive down Apple’s overall profits. In some ways, that’s hardly as grim of a situation as some commentators make it out to be; after all, at least sales aren’t going down.

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