Apple Watch introduction video updated with tweaked hardware and UI elements

Apple re-uploaded its Apple Watch introduction video to YouTube today with a few small changes to the design of the device. It seems the company’s initial renders of the watch were not as accurate as they could have been, as the new version—which also appears on now—sports a noticeably smaller screen…

@bzamayo The screen becomes shorter

Khaos Tian (@KhaosT) September 30, 2014

The change, which was spotted by an eagle-eyed 9to5Mac reader, was likely made to bring the watch seen in the video closer in line with the real device. A few elements of the interface have also been rearranged, such as the high and low temperature indicators in the screenshot below, which have been moved in the new version.

The only UI difference I found between old and new Watch Intro video is for Glance.

Khaos Tian (@KhaosT) September 30, 2014

The images in the Apple Watch gallery haven’t been updated, but they’ve always had the same design that was introduced to the video today. That page has been updated since its debut, with the word “Retina” being inserted into the description of each “sapphire crystal display.”

The Apple Watch is currently on display for one day only in Paris and is expected to enter mass production in January for release early next year.

Filed under: Apple Watch Tagged: Apple watch

For more information about Apple watch and Apple Watch continue reading at 9to5Mac.

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