Apple’s iPad-Centric Event to Take Place on October 22

Apple will hold its much-rumored iPad event on October 22, reports AllThingsD. While the event will focus on Apple’s upcoming fifth-generation iPad and iPad mini, the new Mac Pro and OS X Mavericks will also be featured at the event. Though Apple has not officially announced the event, AllThingsD has a solid track record when it comes to event predictions.

macrumors-ipad5cRendering of the 5th-generation iPad compared to iPad 4 and iPad miniPeople familiar with Apple’s plans tell AllThingsD that the company will hold its next invitation-only event on Tuesday October 22. The focal point of the gathering will the latest updates to the company’s iPad line, but new Mac Pro and OS X Mavericks will likely get some stage time as well, I’m told.Apple’s fifth-generation iPad will take on an iPad mini-style design, resulting in a thinner, lighter tablet with smaller side bezels. It’s expected to feature a 64-bit A7 processor and an improved camera.

Apple’s iPad mini is expected to include the same 64-bit A7 chip along with a Retina display and an 8-megapixel camera. According to recent rumors, the iPad mini could be in short supply and may not see widespread availability until 2014.

Update: The Loop’s Jim Dalrymple has seconded the October 22 date with one of his famous “Yep” confirmations.