Apple’s Maps App May Have Helped Discover the Loch Ness Monster


Apple Maps likely received a huge spike in visitors this past weekend after news that satellites had captured a photo of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster. While your inner skeptic might want to call this a hoax or a glitch in technology, the mounting evidence for a large water creature living in Scotland is becoming hard to deny.

In all honesty I believe it is just as likely to be an artifact caused by the satellite imagery instead of the actual Loch Ness Monster, but there is a part of me that wants to believe it really does exist. Technology has always demystified the world around us, but I still believe there are mysteries we don’t understand.

The image is certainly impressive because it looks like a monster, but keep in mind that the majority of what we see are possibly ripples on the water. To push that kind of water there would have to be something significantly large underneath the surface. Another theory is that the shape is the actual animal itself just under the surface and that you are actually seeing its body and fins. At 100 ft long we are looking at something whale sized.


The official Loch Ness Monster Fan Club is weighing in with optimism that this could be Nessie and not something else like a seal or floating log.

Club president Gary Campbell, who keeps a register of sightings, said: “We’ve been looking at it for a long time trying to work out exactly what it is.

“It looks like a boat wake, but the boat is missing. You can see some boats moored at the shore, but there isn’t one here. We’ve shown it to boat experts and they don’t know what it is.

“Whatever this is, it is under the water and heading south, so unless there have been secret submarine trials going on in the loch, the size of the object would make it likely to be Nessie.”

It has been 18 months since the last sighting of Nessie, which is the longest period in 90 years without a sighting. Two people noticed the image while using Apple Maps in the latter part of 2013 and sent the image to the club. It won’t be too long before Google Maps users scour the area for images in their maps to prove that Google I can still compete. Here at Padgadget we’d like to apologize for all the bad press we’ve given Apple Maps in the past for its poor image quality and for making mistakes in giving directions. Obviously this fixes everything.


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