Ask: Hi-Res Mac Display, Sharper Fonts

Got an Apple, Mac, or iOS tech question? We have the answer. In this week’s installment of Ask, we’ll help you get your Mac’s display (or at least the text) looking sharper than ever.

Question: I was so happy to read the “Get a Crisp Non-Retina Display” article in your April 2014 issue. However, after using the technique listed there for switching to HiDPI mode, text didn’t look as sharp as I expected; is there anything else I can do?

Answer: Enabling the Hi-Res item in the Display Preferences is done by going to the Terminal (located in /Applications/Utilities) and typing:

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/
DisplayResolutionEnabled -bool true

However, this feature that may or may not be fully compatible with your external display. If the display is not a hi-res display, then you may encounter an issue where fonts look jagged. That being said, you can enable font smoothing, which may either help or worsen the situation, but is worth a try if you wish to keep the hi-res feature enabled on your external display.