Astronaut Uses iPad to Record Music Video in Space

Chris HadfieldBy now, almost every one in the world has heard of Space Station Commander Chris Hadfield. On Mother’s Day, May 12, Hadfield’s Earthbound social networking team published a video on Youtube of the celebrity astronaut singing his own rendition of David Bowie’s Space Oddity. It is pretty phenomenal. Today, Cult of Mac discovered that Hadfield recorded the guitar and vocals on his iPad using GarageBand… in outer space.

Canadian-born Hadfield has became an ambassador of the Space Station program when he began sending pictures and tweets from space. He left Earth on December 19, 2012 and has been sending us images and videos ever since.

The music video that landed on YouTube this past Sunday was Hadfield’s last transmission before heading home. The guitar and vocals were sung and edited on the International Space Station by Hadfield, while the music was composed and the song finalize here on Earth by musician Emm Gryner and Joe Corcoran. Filmmaker Andrew Tidby edited the video footage and combined audio and visual into the masterpiece that we now see.

Gryner wrote about how the music video came to be on her blog.

“The task was in front of me. I came up with a piano part. i then enlisted my friend, producer and fellow Canadian Joe Corcoran to take my piano idea and Chris’ vocal and blow it up into a fully produced song. Drums! mellotrons! fuzz bass! We also incorporated into the track ambient space station noises which Chris had put on his Soundcloud. I was mostly blown away by how pure and earnest Chris’ singing is on this track. Like weightlessness and his voice agreed to agree.”

Hadfield has been known to use his iPad for sending videos to Earth, so it is no surprise to find out that the Space Oddity music was recorded using GarageBand.

Check out the music video below from Commander Hadfield in outer Space. The part where Hadfield looks out the window at the Earth while singing the like “A last glimpse at the world,” is possibly the most awe-inspiring thing I’ve ever seen.

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