Apple pushing Congress for more smartphone airwaves

Apple, along with a group of other technology companies that includes Samsung, Nokia, Intel and RIM, is pushing congress for more technology product airwaves, according to The Hill. Amidst the recent Fiscal Cliff talks, the technology firms say that talks over auctioning off new spectrums for airwaves is “relevant.” The companies urged the top Democrats […]

Apple’s new dock connector is called ‘Lightning’, ‘Earpod’ headphones, ‘Loop’ iPod touch accessories, 2GB iPod shuffles

According to our sources, Apple’s new, smaller 9-pin dock connector is dubbed “Lightning” internally. As of this evening, we believe that this name will extend to the new connector’s marketing name. The moniker makes sense for two reasons. One: it goes along with the Thunderbolt connector name on the Mac (Thunderbolt and lightning!). Two: perhaps […]

Facebook’s Zuckerberg: Going HTML 5 was a strategic mistake

During the TechCrunch Disrupt conference today, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that going HTML 5 for Facebook’s iOS app was a big strategic mistake. As we all know, Facebook’s HTML5-based app was sluggish. The company recently released a native app to replace the HTML 5. The new native app is a much faster experience. Image: […]