Brando’s Lightning Battery Case For iPhone 5 Is Actually Shipping… Slowly

zgripiphone009-21We’re still waiting for iPhone 5 Lightning-compatible battery cases, but at least we’re finally getting some product teasers and (vague) launch dates. The latest comes from everybody’s favorite crapware vendor Brando, and costs a mere $35. And it even closes up like a book. The External Power Pack, as it is called, clocks in at […]

Ikea Hack Turns Picture Ledge Into iPad Dock

1358280587.jpgWhen I first got my iPhone 5, I was desperate for a dock. As time has passed, and as the iPhone has picked up a few scratches and dents, I find I don’t really care anymore whether the phone is docked or not when it charges. And I expect I’ll soon be saying the same […]

Alt Photo, A Great Film-Emulator For iPhone, Goes Free

1358279868.jpgAlien Skin makes the human-like disguises that the lizard creatures in “V” used to pass themselves off as humans, and… Kidding! Alien Skin makes high-end Photoshop plugins and Mac photo-processing software. It also makes an iPhone app called Alt Photo, which distills the features of its desktop app Exposure into an iPhone-sized package. And now […]

The Lightning Battery Cases Finally Arrive At CES [CES 2013]

1357693287.jpgLAS VEGAS, CES 2013 – I tried a Lightning-equipped battery case out today, and it was great. If you were doubting Apple’s decision to swap out its hideous 30-pin connector for the svelte new Lightning, then one smooth-sliding click of UNU’s case will put you straight. The case is simple, and yet very nicely made. […]

Olloclip Shows Off Super-Clever iPhone Camera Case [CES 2013]

1357691215.jpgLAS VEGAS, CES 2013 – I, like many of you, love my Olloclip. And while I don’t often use an iPhone case, when I do, I hate having to peel it off just to pop on the super-convenient accessory lens. Thankfully, Olloclip has weathered the ordeal that was the iPhone 5 launch, and is now […]

Cult of Mac Holiday Gift Guide: Stocking Stuffers [Updated]

imageBelieve it or not, Christmas is almost here, and we’ll mark this midwinter festival by getting together with friends and family and continuing to drink and eat far too much. Meanwhile, we also buy gifts for those same friends and family members, whether they want them or not. Luckily, we’re here to help, and if […]

Lion Case Folio Shield For iPad Mini

1356343676.jpgI have resolutely been refusing to buy an iPad mini, but this new case from Lion Case might tip me over the edge. It’s a mini version of one of my favorite cases of the year, the New York Hong Kong Folio. Given that the NYHK case was impossibly light, yet tough, functional and (mostly) […] Tries To Make Holiday Photo-Sharing Easier

1356342503.jpgSharing your holiday photos is always a pain, and e-mail is usually the “answer.” Mom wants the pictures in her Facebook, your smart sister wants them in her Dropbox, and her stupid hippie boyfriend wants them on paper, because bits are like, so ephemeral, man. is a service that promises to make this easy, […]

‘Free The Photos’ Copies Your Instagram Pictures To Flickr

1356339586.jpgAfter last week’s Instagram furore, many people threw a hissy fit and quit the free photo-sharing service for which they have never paid a penny. And a lot of those quitters went over to Flickr and its outstanding new iOS app. Over the weekend, Flickr gave its regular free members a three-month Pro subscription. This […]

uDraw HD. This Collaborative Drawing App Is Like An Artistic Glory Hole

What happens if you give ten strangers the same piece of paper to draw on at the same time? Let’s up the stakes. Let’s make that paper a blank iPad screen, and let’s give all the “artists” the anonymity of the internet. This app exists, and it’s called uDraw HD. What happens is probably painfully […]

Sony Full-Frame Mirrorless RX1 Images Leak, And It Looks Awesome

Man oh man. This leaked Sony RX1 looks sweet indeed. If the rumors are to be believed, the camera is a mirrorless body with a full-frame sensor (the same sensor as the also-rumored Sony A99) and a whole bunch of manual controls. It also looks like it’ll play nice with proper, old-school 35mm lenses. We […]