Report: Next-generation iPhone pre-orders to start Sept. 14?

Reports circulated last month, originally by iMore, about pre-orders for the next-generation iPhone allegedly starting immediately after the Sept. 12 media event, but MacRumors now contends pre-orders will not open until Sept. 14. Pre-orders for the iPhone 4S began the Friday after its unveiling, so MacRumors is subsequently pointing to a similar timeframe for this event: MacRumors is […]

New images of Apple’s Campus 2 building show amazing detail [Gallery]

A reliable source provided us with the official Apple Campus 2 blueprints yesterday, and these are just a few of the confidential images, which illustrate the mammoth building currently in development. The spaceship-like building, called “Campus 2″, is nearly a mile in circumference. Apple bought the campus’ land from HP and other neighbors in Cupertino, Calif., for around […]