Storyboards 3D for iPad – A Storyteller’s Dream Review

“If you build it, he will come.” It’s Field of Dreams’ quadranscentennial anniversary this year, and that line continues to be (mis)quoted to this day – just last week I stumbled upon an article about a pastor using it in his sermon, who tweaked it quite nicely to fit his message. I love the line, […]

Mummy Case for iPad Mini – the Emperor’s Better Off in his New Clothes

Quick research will show that Loop Attachment started its life developing a silicone watchband for the sixth generation iPod Nano (I still have one; it’s no iWatch but it’s decent enough for what it is), but it was the release of the Mummy Case for iPhone a while after that brought them better attention. At […]

Look Ma, No Hands – AirTurn BT-105 Bluetooth Controller for iPad

On the face of it, a hands-free accessory sounds superfluous for a chic device designed for hands-on use. Not only is the iPad screen meant to be touched, along with the OS, almost all well-designed Apps have been perfected to have an intuitive UI that requires minimal sequence of gestures to get a task done. […]