Loop Attachment Mummy case for iPhone 5

I’ve been using the Loop Attachment Mummy case for iPhone 5 for a couple of months now and while it isn’t as shiny or bejeweled as some of my previous case picks, it’s amazingly protective and comes in very handy. The Mummy case is made of silicone an…

Best selling iPhone 5 accessories

Now that you’ve had your brand new iPhone 5 for a while, you may be itching to deck it out in all the latest accessories. Well you’re in luck, the iMore store has been stocking up on the very best iPhone 5 accessories. Carefully selected by our expert…

All I would have wanted was a faster iPad

I’ve mentioned this several times already on the iPhone & iPad Live podcast, in the new iPad round-table, and on Twitter, but I wanted to get something up here as well. The Retina display is great, but I’m not a designer or a photographer and I still read more on a computer and on paper than I do on my iPad. I have a Wi-Fi iPad so LTE isn’t a consideration for me. Dictation is great and will make a huge difference to people who prefer to, or need to, talk rather than type. But for me, none of that is truly compelling. For me, instead of supporting a double density display or a faster network, I would have loved the extra power of that Apple A5X chipset and that extra RAM to do one thing and one thing only — make my iPad faster.