Finger Your Way Through Math With This Gesture-Controlled Calculator [Review]

Adding up goes this way, and taking away goes that waySums is a gesture-based calculator for iOS, and whether you like it will, I suspect, largely depend on how much you’re already accustomed to using traditional calculators. Numbers are entered using a keypad, as you’d expect. But doing anything with those numbers means using gestures. They’re not hard to learn, but a little learning is […]

Brian Eno Music App Turns You Into Another Brian Eno [Review]

Hello BrianBrian Eno has a new app out. It’s called Scape. Like other apps he’s produced, it’s about making music – even for people who have no musical skill or knowledge whatsoever. Eno has a track record on iOS. His first app, Bloom, was one of the very earliest ambient music generators on the platform and […]