Analyst: Tim Cook Is So Boring That Apple Will Have A Celebrity Intro The iPhone 5 Instead

0da8e1290279cf13f60e6a70670033e2_2According to Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle, Apple might walk out a celebrity during the iPhone 5 event on Wednesday, September 12. Why? First of all, because Enderle believes that so many details about the iPhone 5 have already leaked out that no one’s going to bother watching the event. That is patently absurd. Apple […]

Girls Around Me Dev: We Didn’t Do Anything Wrong [Statement]

Girls Around Me dev i-Free says the app isn't meant to allow you to stalk girls. That's not what the app's website says.When the creepy girl stalking app Girls Around Me went missing from the iTunes App Store last night, it wasn’t immediately clear who had pulled it: Russia-based i-Free, the developer behind the app, or Apple itself. Now i-Free has clarified matters. They pulled the app themselves… but not because they think they did anything wrong. […]

Creepy Girl-Stalking App Girls Around Me Has Been Yanked From The App Store [Update]

Notorious girl stalking app Girls Around Me has been pulled from the App Store.Girls Around Me — the creepy geo-location app that allowed you to stalk and find personal information about girls in your neighborhood without their knowledge — has been pulled from the iOS App Store. It’s unknown at this point whether Apple yanked the controversial app in direct response to the controversy sparked by our original […]